yerba mate

Super Sunday - 10% off on all Yerba Mate products
Code:  SUPER25

Super Sunday - 10% off on all Yerba Mate products
Code:  SUPER25

What´s new

Tereré - the perfect refreshment for summer

There is hardly anything better than a cool drink ...

Beer from South America

If we travel to the southern part of the American ...

Natural energy drink

Everyone knows the feeling: the night was far too ...

Recipe with dulce de leche

What Nutella or jam is to Germany, dulce de leche ...

The original Alfajores recipe

To taste specialties from South America, you don't...

How long do you steep mate tea?

  The preparation of mate tea is a small s...

The best chimurri recipes

What is Chimichurri and how is this special South ...

Chocolate Alfajores

Have you always wanted to bake alfajores your...

Yerba mate extract

Of course, all tea lovers are familiar with mate t...

The incomparable taste of mate

What does mate tea taste like? This question is di...

Is Mate Tea Green Tea?

Green tea, mate tea, black tea, fruit tea - the li...

All about Yerba Mate

Do you want to learn more about us and yerba mate?...

Drinking mate tea: the ultimate secrets

Mate is a plant from South America. Strictly speak...

Mate tea and footballers: popular with Messi and Co.

Whether mate tea is the miracle cure for becoming ...

Corn flour recipes: delicious from South America

It is impossible to imagine the kitchen without co...

Mate tea for athletes: refreshed through the workout

Whoever does a lot of sports has to drink a lot. F...

Yerba mate: everything about cultivation, conditions and processing

The mate plant, or rather the mate bush, comes fro...

The mate shrub - under what conditions does yerba mate grow?

Maté comes from South America and has been increa...

What active ingredients does mate tea contain and how do they affect us?

Mate tea is a very old drink made from the mate bu...

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